Rome and the Vatican

Take a walk through the Roman Forum and explore the Colosseum. Climb the Spanish Steps and throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain...stroll through narrow streets to Piazza Navona and the Pantheon where the massive Roman temple stands unchanged and enjoy a plate of pasta in a local trattoria. Enter the famous Seven Churches of Rome and St. Peter's basilica in the Vatican to admire Michelangelo's Pietà and countless other treasures…out onto Bernini's majestic columned square where the Pope gives you his traditional Sunday blessing. Descend into the mysterious catacombs and take a carriage ride along the old Appian Way…With a trip to Tivoli admire the 500 fountains and waterfalls of the Villa d'Este… These highlights and much more…

Running time approx. 65 minutes

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