
Situated at the foot of Mount Vesuvius is one of archeology’s most unusual and rewarding experiences. Suffocated beneath a mantle of ash and pumice stone some twenty centuries ago, Pompeii invites us today on a fascinating journey back in time. A large part of the town has been cleared, and its dimensions and the abundance of columns, roads and ruins make it a unique example of an ancient city resurrected. Here we discover the town planning and atmosphere of daily life in the ancient world combined with the vestiges of splendid murals, mosaics and statues that decorated houses, shops and public baths. Depictions of erotic scenes and graffiti testify to the Pompeians zest for living as this was a vibrant town until the day in 79 A.D. when Vesuvius unexpectedly erupted and life was suddenly interrupted.

Running time: 40 mins approx

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